Uttamasha Monjoree
Student Bio
Uttamasha Monjoree is currently enrolled in 3rd year of her MFA in the Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communications at The University of Texas at Dallas. Her area of interest is interactive architecture, computational design, user experience design, and data visualization. She is combining my design knowledge from my architecture background with emerging technologies for problem-solving. She did her Bachelor of Architecture from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Uttamasha worked as a teaching assistant, and instructor during her time at The University of Texas at Dallas. She is expected to graduate with her master’s in Spring 2022 and start her Ph.D. in Architecture and Human-Computer Interaction.
Thesis Title
Reflected Reality: Showcasing Adverse Environmental Effect of Textile Industries
Dean Terry (Chair), Roger Malina, xtine burrough
MFA with Creative Practice
This project is a collection of interactive art installations that addresses the adverse environmental effect of the global manufacturing process considering the textile industry of Bangladesh as a case study. I will use copyright-free sources; for example, World Resource Institution, BreezoMeter, Google images of pollution, etc., and find out which components of the environment are being affected. The project Reflected Reality is an attempt to emphasize environmental communication and encourage our collective responsibility. The project will demonstrate that developed countries share a crucial responsibility as the primary consumer of products manufactured in these polluted countries. The project will outline different facets of environmental pollution and illustrate how workers and general people from these polluted countries suffer because of the manufacturing process.