Elmira Bagherzadeh
Student Bio
Elmira Bagherzadeh is an Iranian new media artist living in Dallas, Texas. She received her bachelor’s in biomedical engineering in Iran. Bagherzadeh moved to the United States to pursue a degree in Art, Technology, and Emerging Communication at the University of Texas at Dallas. Bagherzadeh’s works during this period focus on the synthesis of early avant-garde experimental animation and physical computing techniques.
Bagherzadeh’s work investigates psychological themes related to mental health. Her animation Roohangiz was screened in festivals such as Utah Arts, Genreblast film festival, 55th Youth Cinema Regional Festival, and received awards in the short- animated film category.
Thesis Title
Contemporary Farr(ah)
xtine burrough (chair), John Pomara, Christine Veras
MFA with Creative Practice

This thesis is about the personal struggle and desire for peace and unity. Time-based installations made for this thesis are built by using invisible ink, blacklight LEDs, acrylics, and computing technologies and are the result of two- and half-year experimentation with an unconventional technique to create animations. In these installations, the movement of drawings painted by invisible ink on transparent acrylics, becomes visible under flashes of blacklight LEDs as animations. Through these exploratory works I seek to find and establish new links of communications in ways that connect to individuals, including myself, that can create relief and offer new promises of hope in non-traditional ways.